Everyone is asking me about this 24 tennis test wristband.

What’s the deal with the 24TennisTest wristband?

It’s simple!

Let me explain.

Wearing your 24 tennis test wristband daily will help you maintain a healthy balance between your tennis goals and your life.

After the sun goes down on your tennis match or your day, does that skeptical internal voice come calling you with saying such as, “You idiot!” “You lost again” “Just give up on everything.”

This would happen to me!

That’s why I’ve re-created this simple technique that will help tennis players (and non-players) become mentally aware on and off the tennis court.

With the 24 Tennis Test wristband, you “be the band,” so to speak! Changing your reality with every snap!

Sometimes, without being aware of it, this skeptical voice talks us out of our dreams.  You have a great idea and immediately this voice fires off in your head, “yeah but…” followed by a string of reasons why it won’t work”  – The one minute millionaire

How does the 24 tennis test wristband work?

When you receive your wristband, you will wear it on you all the time. Each time a negative thought comes in your mind, you will gently snap yourself, this will cause minor pain, a little sting that will tell your brain each time I get this thought, I get a little bit of pain.

So, every time you catch yourself thinking a negative or counterproductive thought, you snap the rubber band.  Yes, it causes pain. The pain causes a “pattern interrupt.”

Purchase your 24TennisTest Wristband Today!

Get 20% off!

24 TennisTest Wristband $3.95


This simple mental toughness device will benefit you on and off the tennis court. That’s right. You would find yourself replacing your negative internal dialogue with words like these:

I can do it.

I AM worthy.

I AM good enough.

That is in my league.

I can afford it.

Your thoughts have the power to make you or break you.  They can lead you to plenty and abundance….or to lack and limitations.

The choice is yours.  With the 24TennisTest wristband, you can control your thinking. Your thinking controls your behavior. Your behavior controls your results!

With Purchase of Your 24TennisTest T-Shirt/$40.00 Your get a free wristband Today!



Send my free 24TennisTest Wristband with my t-shirt purchase!

*Wristband ship separately*

Interesting mechanism, each time you get a negative thought or criticize yourself or someone else, snap yourself, giving yourself a little bit of pain, and of course, everyone wants to avoid pain at all cost, so, at some point, these thoughts will simply disappear.


If you like your positive results, please tell your friends to visit 24TennisTest.com to purchase their 24TennisTest/t-shirt or wristband today!